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Welcome to Gamstrain Ads!

With over 32,000 monthly visits, Gamstrain offers an excellent platform to grow your business by engaging a direct audience. We provide various advertising options to suit your needs, allowing you to reach a wide and targeted user base.

Ad Rates:

Ad Type Ad Size Rate (per 1000 impressions)
Fixed Footer Ad 100% x 90px (horizontal) ₹300/ $3.66
Static Sidebar Ad 320px x 100% (vertical) ₹300/ $3.66
Anywhere in Website 90x90 ₹180/ $2.20

Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to showcase your products and services to our engaged audience. Place your ads on Gamstrain today and watch your business soar!

For inquiries or to place your ads, please contact us with contact form or mail us at [email protected]

We look forward to helping your business reach new heights with Gamstrain Ads!